Getting Started

Here how to get started

To get started with graphql-thinky we have todo 4 steps to start retrieving data from our GraphQL end point.

  • Create Model
  • Create GraphQLObjectType
  • Create Query
  • Create Schema

Dependencies of the example:

npm i thinky graphql graphql-thinky body-parser express express-graphql node-babel --save

Create Model

// UserModel.js
import thinky from 'thinky';
const type = thiky.type;

export default thinky.createModel('user', {
  name: type.string(),
  surname: type.string(),
  age: type.number()

Create GraphQLObjectType

// UserType.js
import GT from './graphql-thinky';

// @returns GraphQLObjectType
// name: {
//  type: GraphQLString 
// },
// surname: {
//  type: GraphQLString 
// },
// age: {
//  type: GraphQLInt
// },
export default GT.createModelType('user');

We have now our brand new UserType.

Create Query

We need to create our GraphQLQuery so that we can inform the schema on which entry point are available

// Query.js
import { GraphQLObjectType } from 'graphql';
import userType from './user/userType';
import GT from './graphql-thinky';

const { resolve } = GT;

// User query definition
const userQuery = {

   users: {
   	type: new GraphQLList(userType),
    resolve: resolve('user')
   user: {
    type: userType,
   	args: {
    	id: {
      	type: new GraphQLNotNull(GraphQLString)
    resolve: resolve('user')

// Export query
export default new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Query',
  fields: () => ({

Create Schema

Finally let's create our schema

// Schema.js
import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';

import Query from './query';

const Schema = new GraphQLSchema({
  query: Query,

export default Schema;

Testing end point

Here is a tiny server that we can run to test our GraphQL end point

// server.js
import express from 'express';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import expressGraphql from 'express-graphql';
import schema from './Schema.js';
import GT from './graphql-thinky';

const app = express();

app.use('/graphql',expressGraphql(request => ({ 
  context: {
  	loaders: GT.getModelLoaders() 
  graphiql: true,
  pretty: true

app.listen(7000, function() {

  console.log("Server started at port: 7000");
  • Start RethinkDB: rethinkdb --deamon
  • Start the server babel-node server.js
  • Go to http://localhost:7000/graphql

Here are the possible queries to run:

   users {
   user(id: "someuserid") {

Checkout the example into the repo: graphql-thinky-example